Sketchnote: Onboarding in Plants vs ZombiesSketchnote based on a talk by George Fan on how to create onboarding experiences seamlessly.Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
Sketchnote or Mindmap: Terror in SubnauticaMindmap based on the following video: (Links to an external site.).Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
[Game] Mechanics that create a dynamic that makes a certain kind of funAs a player, my first instinct is to think about the aesthetics first and then about the mechanics. As a game designer in the making, I…Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Gorongoa: the epic questEssay written based on the game Gorongoa, by Jason Roberts.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Sketchnote: Designer’s Notebook: The Role of Architecture in VideogamesIn the “real world” architecture/ architectural elements provide us with protection, organization, privacy, decoration, etc.Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Sketchnote: Balancing Games: Chance and SkillWhere do different games lie in the spectrum of chance and skill?Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Sketchnote: Game Architecture — Interaction LoopsSketchnote made based on the text Interaction Loops and Arcs by Daniel Cook.Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Sketchnote/ Mindmap: Puzzles in games, Puzzles as GamesHybrid Sketchnote-Mindmap based on the text “What is a Puzzle” by Scott Kim.Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Game Design Narrative ArchitectureMindmap based on the essay by Henry Jenkins on the different ways games naturally tell stories.Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
Team 5 (name to come) team normsClear (and frequent) communication and task assignments amongst group membersOct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
The power of being on someone else’s skinDiscussion based on the article “A brief history of the “walking simulator,” gaming’s most detested genre”Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Sketchnote — What Games Are and Aren’tSketchnote exercise based on an excerpt from Theory of Fun for Game Design.Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020